- Brennan Sellner
Proactive Replanning for Multi-Robot Teams
2009; CMU-RI-TR-09-01. Ph.D. Thesis, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA.
Project: Thesis \ bibtex
- Brennan Sellner, Frederik W. Heger, Laura M. Hiatt, Nik Melchior, Stephen Roderick, David Akin, Reid Simmons, and Sanjiv Singh
Overcoming Sensor Noise for Low-Tolerance Autonomous Assembly
Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS-2008)
Project: IDSR \ bibtex
- Brennan Sellner and Reid Simmons
Prediction for Proactive Replanning
Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Conference on
Robotics and Automation
Project: Thesis \ bibtex
- Brennan Sellner and Reid Simmons
Duration Prediction for Proactive Replanning
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Planning and Plan Execution for Real-World Systems (held in conjunction with ICAPS '07), Providence, RI.
Project: Thesis \ bibtex
- Reid Simmons, Sanjiv Singh, Frederik W. Heger, Laura M. Hiatt, Seth Koterba, Nik Melchior, Brennan Sellner
Human-Robot Teams for Large-Scale Assembly
Proceedings of the NASA Science Technology Conference 2007 (NSTC-07), Adelphi, MD.
Project: Trestle \ bibtex
- Brennan Sellner and Reid Simmons
Towards Proactive Replanning for Multi-Robot Teams.
Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Planning and
Scheduling in Space 2006, Baltimore, MD.
Project: Thesis \ bibtex
- Brennan Sellner, Frederik W. Heger, Laura M. Hiatt, Reid
Simmons and Sanjiv Singh.
Coordinated Multi-Agent Teams and
Sliding Autonomy for Large-Scale Assembly.
Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 94, No. 7, July 2006.
Project: Trestle \ bibtex
Brennan Sellner
Proactive Replanning
for Multi-Robot Teams
Thesis proposal, presented and accepted on June 1, 2006.
Project: Thesis \ bibtex
- Brennan Sellner, Laura M. Hiatt, Reid Simmons and Sanjiv Singh.
Attaining Situational Awareness for
Sliding Autonomy.
Proceedings of HRI 2006, Salt Lake City, UT.
Project: Trestle \ bibtex
- Frederik W. Heger, Laura M. Hiatt, Brennan Sellner, Reid
Simmons and Sanjiv Singh.
Results in Sliding Autonomy for
Multi-Robot Spatial Assembly.
Proceedings of iSAIRAS 2005, Munich, Germany.
Project: Trestle \ bibtex
- Brennan Sellner, Reid Simmons and Sanjiv Singh.
User Modeling for Principled Sliding
Autonomy in Human-Robot Teams.
Proceedings of the 3rd International Multi-Robot Systems
Workshop, NRL, Washington, DC, 2005.
Project: Trestle \ bibtex
- Rachel Gockley, Allison Bruce, Jodi Forlizzi, Marek
Michalowski, Anne Mundell, Stephanie Rosenthal, Brennan Sellner,
Reid Simmons, Kevin Snipes, Alan C. Schultz, and Jue Wang.
Designing Robots for Long-Term Social
Proceedings of IROS 2005, Edmonton, Alberta, 2005.
Project: Roboceptionist
\ bibtex
- Reid Simmons, et al.
GRACE: An Autonomous Robot for the
AAAI Robot Challenge.
AAAI Magazine, 24:2, pp. 51-72, Summer 2003
Project: Grace \ bibtex
Mary Berna, Brennan Sellner, Brad Lisien, Sebastian Thrun,
Geoff Gordon, and Frank Pfenning
A Learning Algorithm for Localizing
People Based on Wireless Signal Strength that Uses Labeled and
Unlabeled Data
Proceedings of IJCAI 2003, Acapulco, Mexico. (poster)
Project: Wireless \ bibtex